Landon | Ohio Portrait Photography

Landon, my youngest cousin, is celebrating his first birthday today. We met up last weekend to do his one year session. He was grumpy, needed a nap, a couple bottles, but it was worth it. He has since started walking & I can’t wait to make it to his party later this afternoon.


He is normally one of the sweetest kids but can have a huge crybaby side. He is the only kid I know that absolutely HATED his cake smash.


Abby, Chad, + Family | Ohio Portrait Photography

I met up with this wonderful family on a spring evening not too long ago. They have two of the cutest little girls, Livie & Maddie. As always life with little ones is pretty entertaining & I’m glad we grabbed some good photos before the girls were worn out!


Livie is a girl after my own heart, I adore her sparkly gold shoes! The photo below of Maddie is one of my absolute favorites, she’s a little doll baby.


Thanks for the awesome session!

Raylan | Ohio Portrait Photography

One of those perfect days that only late winter, early spring can bring is the day I met up with Raylan for his One Year photos. He was just a little past his first birthday but I’m sure he enjoyed a birthday cake for a second time. It was just before Easter so we even brought a baby bunny into the mix…


Raylan is always on the move.


Thanks Emily, always fun catching up with your Mother & you!

Believing in Yourself

Sometime about three weeks ago I finally reached my breaking point. I searched for my phone somewhere in the mess of papers on my desk to call my boss. I’ve worked at the same coffee shop since I was a sophomore in High School minus the two years I ran off to college. The place had become a second home to me. It employed the girls who I considered my sister and people I considered second Mother’s were the owners. I told her I had enough and can not balance work at the coffee shop and photography anymore. I was working there four days a week, shooting a wedding every weekend, and throwing portrait sessions in the mix. I was physical and mentally exhausted. I could not do it anymore. She understood and backed down to one day a week. Let’s be honest, I love that job. I also love the coffee and seeing all the regular customers.

In the weeks since I’ve made that phone call I notice myself being a better person. I’m happy and not on the verge of tears at every second. I have time to focus on my pictures, perfecting them in a way that shows I’m proud. I’m sharing things with the world that should have been blogged months ago. I’m loving every second of it.

I have the time to think about the person that I want to be, as well as the photographer I want to become. I still don’t think that there are enough hours in the day for me to completely be that person though. I’m getting better. Working on the balance of running a photography business and not having it run me.

This weekend brings the end of wedding season for me. I couldn’t ask for a better bride and groom to wrap this year up with. I’m excited to sit down in the upcoming weeks and refine the business. I’m excited to burst into the new year strong as ever. All this free time from work has left with no one to chat with all day long so I’m going to blog . NONSTOP people. I promise. I love it just don’t always have the time & I’m a firm believer that every blogpost is better with a photograph. Here you go…


I took this on my plane ride home from California last summer. Remember people the sky is the limit when you give yourself the time to work on your dreams.
